Home Safety Tips for Seniors

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Mar 4, 2024 7:00:00 AM | 3 minute read

Aging in place offers many benefits for seniors who want to remain independent for as long as possible. However, living alone also comes with potential safety concerns, including an increased risk of injuries and loneliness. If you have an aging loved one who lives on their own, it’s important that you check in regularly and take steps to help them create a safe living environment where they can thrive. Here are some simple things that you can do to make your loved one’s home safer so that they continue to comfortably age in place.

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Topics: Safety, Senior Living Decisions

Cold Weather Safety Tips for Seniors

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Feb 16, 2024 7:00:00 AM | 2 minute read

While the winter months provide an opportunity to try new indoor hobbies and connect with family or friends, it also presents unique health and safety concerns for older adults. Seniors are more sensitive to the cold than younger adults and can experience a range of health problems as a result. Even more, the harsh winter weather conditions significantly increase the risk of falling for adults aged 65 and older.

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Topics: Safety

Scams Targeting Seniors and What To Do About It

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Feb 1, 2024 7:00:00 AM | 2 minute read

Senior fraud can take many forms and is a growing problem in the United States and worldwide. If you have an older parent or loved one, it is important that you proactively take steps to ensure that they don’t fall victim to scams. Keep reading to learn more about common scams affecting seniors today and what you can do to help them stay protected. 

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Topics: Safety

5 Ways to Stimulate Brain Activity for Seniors

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Jan 16, 2024 9:37:59 AM | 2 minute read

The human brain, like other parts of the body, requires regular exercise to stay healthy and strong. Engaging in brain-stimulating activities is especially crucial for older adults as it can help enhance cognitive functions and improve memory retention. 

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Topics: Senior Health

Questions to Ask When Looking for Memory Care

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Dec 29, 2023 8:00:00 AM | 2 minute read

If you are currently caring for an older parent or loved one, there may come a time when a diagnosis or worsening symptoms require the outside support of a memory care community. These types of communities are designed to provide a safe and comfortable environment for older adults with dementia and Alzheimer’s. 

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Indoor Activities and Exercises for Seniors

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Dec 15, 2023 8:00:00 AM | 2 minute read

Winter can be a long and boring season for anyone, especially seniors. Colder temperatures and shorter days can prevent older adults from getting outside and staying active, which can lead to feelings of isolation or loneliness. Fortunately, today’s senior living communities offer plenty of indoor activities to keep older adults busy, healthy and in high spirits during the long winter season.  Here are some ways seniors can still enjoy a healthy, vibrant lifestyle, even when winter weather isn’t cooperating!

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Holiday Gift Ideas for Seniors

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Nov 27, 2023 7:00:00 AM | 2 minute read

Looking for meaningful ways to show your aging parent or loved one much you care this holiday season? When it comes to celebrating the holidays with seniors in your life, you may want to explore different ways to make the day special, particularly if they live in a senior living community or require additional support.

As you gear up for this year’s holiday shopping, consider these holiday gift ideas for the elderly loved ones in your life.  

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Topics: Holidays

Healthy Winter Eating Tips for Seniors

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Nov 15, 2023 9:00:00 AM | 3 minute read

Focusing on good nutrition is important throughout the year. However, it is especially important during the winter season when cold weather and longer days can impact a senior’s health and well-being. Factors like being isolated in the home, having difficulty preparing meals, issues chewing or swallowing food and loss of appetite can make it very challenging for seniors to get the proper nutrition they need to lead a healthy lifestyle. 

Eating a well-balanced diet during the winter months can help seniors maintain a healthy weight, promote healthy glucose levels, boost energy levels and strengthen their immune systems to fight off viruses, like the cold and flu. The following strategies can help older adults maintain optimal health this winter.  

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Topics: Holidays, Nutrition, Senior Health

How Wearable Technology Can Help Seniors and Caregivers

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Oct 31, 2023 11:46:22 AM | 2 minute read

Wearable technology is a broad term that includes any electronic device that is worn on the body. Common devices include fitness trackers, like a Fitbit or a smartwatch. Other products include pendants worn around the neck or technology that is embedded into clothing. While younger generations have readily adopted this technology, today’s seniors are also embracing wearable devices to enhance health, increase safety and take control of their mental and physical wellbeing like never before.  

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Topics: Activities, Senior Health

How to Make the Transition into Assisted Living Smoother

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Oct 17, 2023 10:09:13 AM | 2 minute read

Has your older parent or loved one reached a point that they can no longer take care of themselves or live independently? An assisted living community might be a good option as you explore new avenues to support their ever-changing needs, both now and in the future.

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Topics: Senior Living Decisions

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