Traveling Tips for Seniors

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Jun 7, 2024 9:00:00 AM | 2 minute read

Traveling is a wonderful way to explore different places, meet new people, and create lasting memories. For seniors, travel can be especially rewarding, offering opportunities to see the world in new ways and enjoy retirement. However, it also requires some extra planning and consideration. Here are some essential tips to help seniors have a safe, enjoyable, and stress-free travel experience.

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Topics: Senior Living Decisions, Social Wellness

Father's Day Gift Ideas for Your Senior Father

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on May 31, 2024 8:00:00 AM | 2 minute read

Father's Day is a special occasion that allows us to show our appreciation for the fathers and grandfathers in our lives. If your dad is older, however, it can be difficult to find meaningful ways to show your love and appreciation.  

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Topics: Holidays, Social Wellness

Exploring New Hobbies and Interests in Retirement

Posted by Christina Trentham on Mar 18, 2024 8:00:00 AM | 2 minute read

Whether you are nearing retirement or you have recently retired, this chapter in life marks a significant milestone. One of the most rewarding aspects of retirement is the opportunity to spend more time discovering hobbies and interests that you didn’t have time to pursue when you had work and family commitments.

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Topics: Independent Living, Social Wellness

How to Stay Connected During the Holidays

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Sep 30, 2023 7:35:00 AM | 3 minute read

For many, the holiday season is a special time to gather with friends and family. Unfortunately, it can also be a lonely or isolating season for older adults who live alone or far away from family and friends. Studies show that loneliness and isolation is a serious issue for seniors as it increases the risk of heart disease, depression, sleep problems, stroke, dementia and overall quality of life. 

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Topics: Social Wellness

Patriotic Activities for Seniors

Posted by Christina Trentham on Jun 16, 2023 4:43:40 PM | 2 minute read

Summer is in full swing, and the 4th of July is the perfect time to relax and reconnect with family and friends of all ages! Wondering how to celebrate the fourth of July with an older loved one? There are many ways seniors can enjoy a safe and fun 4th of July celebration.

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Topics: Holidays, Safety, Social Wellness

The Benefits of Technology Use for Seniors

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Mar 15, 2023 4:07:05 PM | 2 minute read

There’s no denying the prevalence of technology in our daily lives. And as digital devices become more user-friendly, intuitive and accessible, seniors are becoming better equipped and more comfortable using technology to stay connected with loved ones, combat social isolation and learn new skills.

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Topics: Activities, Social Wellness

Overcoming Loneliness for Seniors

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Jan 16, 2023 8:00:00 AM | 2 minute read


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Topics: Senior Health, Social Wellness

Protecting Yourself from Cyber Crimes and Scams

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Jan 1, 2023 7:30:00 AM | 2 minute read

The Internet is a powerful resource that has transformed the way we live, learn and connect with others around the world. Unfortunately, the Internet isn’t always used for good. Online scammers are constantly looking for new ways to take advantage of others, and older adults are often their targets. Seniors tend to be more trusting than younger people and often have more wealth and better credit, making them more attractive to scammers.

The good news is that it’s possible to minimize your risk of cyber crimes by being proactive and have a clear understanding of what to look for. Here are some tips that can help you avoid from being scammed in your golden years.

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Topics: Social Wellness

Why is Relationship Building and Socialization Important for Seniors?

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Oct 15, 2021 8:00:00 AM | 7 minute read

Whether we claim to be introverted, extroverted, or even a combination of the two, we all need some level of connection and socialization. It is simply a part of human nature and may even lead to improved well-being.

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Topics: Activities, Social Wellness

Why It's Important to Build Relationships with Your Loved One's Care Team

Posted by Senior Solutions Management Group on Sep 1, 2021 8:00:00 AM | 3 minute read

People come in and out of our lives at different moments. While beginning a relationship with caregivers can be uncomfortable at first, many families find that they come to depend on these individuals not only for assistance and support but also for companionship and encouragement.

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Topics: Caregiving, Social Wellness

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