Care Perspectives From Senior Solutions

How Technology is Changing Assisted Living Medication Management

Posted by Todd Barker

Feb 22, 2012 8:00:00 AM

One of the most important decisions a family will make concerns the long-term care of aging parents. Moving your senior parents into an assisted living facility is the right choice made by millions of families around the country, yet it is one fraught with emotion; most adult children of aging parents naturally wonder about their decision. You want a homelike setting that provides your parents with as much autonomy as possible given their health status, yet you also need to know that they will be safe and their health needs will be properly addressed.

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Topics: Caregiving, Resources, Life in Assisted Living, Medication and Medication Management

6 People to Question When Evaluating Assisted Living Communities

Posted by Todd Barker

Feb 7, 2012 9:00:00 AM

Although assisted living serves a wonderful purpose, they are still businesses. And while most sales and marketing directors genuinely want each family to make the best decision, some unfortunately realize that emotional families are easy sales.

It’s your job to avoid this trap, kick the tires to ensure you’re buying the “product” that’s best for you and your family. This means being prepared to ask some tough questions. If you you’re not prepared, you’ll leave with nothing but a sense of completion and a shiny new brochure. What you won’t leave with is any useful information that will help you either eliminate that community from contention or move it on to the next round of consideration.

Preparing for Your Assisted Living Visit

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Topics: Assisted living, Caregiving, Resources, Safety, Life in Assisted Living