Care Perspectives From Senior Solutions

Music Therapy and Dementia

Posted by Britny Lawhorn

Dec 10, 2015 2:52:45 PM

Recently, one of our newest communities was featured in the news! The residents at Antebellum on Arlington (formerly Blair House) in Macon, Georgia were given a special treat recently when a local church donated new iPods and iTunes gift cards to the community. 

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Topics: Georgia, Memory Care, Activities, Resources, Senior Living Decisions, Our Communities, Alzheimer's and Dementia

Talking to Your Kids About Dementia

Posted by Britny Lawhorn

Nov 30, 2015 12:57:10 PM

When your loved one is diagnosed with a dementia-related illness, it can mean big changes for you and your family. This is especially true if you are in the role of deciding your loved one's care. It is very easy to get caught up in the diagnosis and treatment of dementia. That, piled on to deciding where your loved on is going to live and who is going to care for him or her can be even more stressful. Many times, young people can get lost in the shuffle. 

Even if they don't seem to show it, young people can be just as affected as caregiving adults by a loved one's dementia diagnosis. What can make it harder for them is that many times they do not understand the changes that are happening to their loved one mentally when they see no physical change on the outside. 

Here are three of the first tips that we would offer a caregiver who wants to talk to a young person about a dementia-related illness. To continue the conversation, feel free to contact us--we would love to sit down with you and talk more about this topic.

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Topics: Memory Care, Resources, Alzheimer's and Dementia

3 Fun Ways to Promote Your Loved One's Mental Health

Posted by Britny Lawhorn

Nov 16, 2015 10:31:59 AM

You can find our family of senior living communities in Tennessee, Georgia, and even Florida. In each community, we are proud of our Activities Directors who strive to make sure our residents have quality entertainment and plenty of things to do. 

While this can give you a reassuring feeling, have you ever wondered if there is anything you can do to help  your loved one participate in quality activities? Many families of our residents wonder what they can do to help keep Mom or Dad's mind sharp as they age. 

Today, we've put together three ways you can promote mentally stimulating activities with your loved one. With cold weather quickly coming our way, now is a perfect time to try these out!

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Topics: Assisted living, Memory Care, Activities, Resources, Our Communities, Alzheimer's and Dementia

A Senior Solutions Approach to Quality Activities

Posted by Britny Lawhorn

Sep 10, 2015 4:46:33 PM

Our family of senior living communities can be found in locations all over the southern United States. Each community takes on its own unique personality because of the wonderful, caring, and fun people who give it life.

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Topics: Tennessee, Assisted living, Caregiving, Memory Care, Activities, Our Communities, Life in Assisted Living

6 Answers to Common Memory Care Center Questions

Posted by Christina Trentham

Apr 28, 2015 9:30:00 AM

Are you or other family members feeling overwhelmed by the increasingly difficult needs of a loved one who is suffering from dementia/Alzheimer's? You're not alone. As dementia progresses, round-the-clock care is often necessary, which can be very challenging for caregivers. Family caregiving also might not be the safest solution for your loved one.

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Topics: Memory Care, Resources, Alzheimer's and Dementia

How to Deal with Elderly Caregiver Stress

Posted by Christina Trentham

Mar 4, 2015 10:00:00 AM

The caregiver for an elderly family member is often that person's elderly spouse or an adult child with their own children still living at home and a full-time career. Both scenarios can, and frequently do, lead to what's known as elderly caregiver stress. This is especially true if the person being cared for suffers from a long-term progressive disease such as dementia/Alzheimer's disease. People with dementia require high levels of care and support, which unfortunately can result in elderly caregiver stress. In fact, such caregivers are sometimes referred to as invisible second patients, because of the negative physical and psychological impact of the caregiver role.

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Topics: Caregiving, Memory Care, Resources, Senior Living Decisions, Alzheimer's and Dementia

At Home/DIY Caregiver Stress Test

Posted by Christina Trentham

Feb 25, 2015 10:00:00 AM

People who choose the caregiver role, or who are thrust into it due to family circumstances, can become overwhelmed by the responsibility and begin to suffer from caregiver role strain. Increasingly, elderly dementia/Alzheimer's patients have as their sole caregiver another elderly, fragile spouse who is at risk for his or her own medical problems due to the stress and strain of being the caregiver.

Eldercare researchers have noted several key predictors of strain among dementia-patient caregivers, including care receiver problem behaviors and functional limitations, and a perceived lack of support from others. On the other hand, caregivers who find effective coping tools are better able to see their role in a positive light, recognizing the significant impact they have on the loved one in their care.

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Topics: Caregiving, Memory Care, Resources, Safety, Senior Living Decisions, Alzheimer's and Dementia

What to Look for in Evaluating Assisted Living Options in Georgia

Posted by Christina Trentham

Jan 20, 2015 9:00:00 AM

"Just an old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind." This line, from the famous song "Georgia", was made popular by the legendary Ray Charles. It's the official state song of Georgia, and represents the view’s of millions of people who choose to live in this beautiful state. Georgia is known for its sunny, subtropical climate, mild winters, many lakes and rivers, beautiful forests, and world-class healthcare and other amenities available in the city of Atlanta. It's an increasingly popular choice for those seeking anideal assisted living environment.

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Topics: Georgia, Assisted living, Memory Care, Resources, Senior Living Decisions

8 Brain Foods to Feed a Loved One with Dementia

Posted by Christina Trentham

Sep 9, 2014 10:00:00 AM

We all need to follow a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet. This is certainly true for a loved one with dementia. Poor nutrition can exacerbate some of the behavioral symptoms associated withdementia and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as lead to weight loss caused by a poor appetite and/or poor nutrition.

Studies show that the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s can be reduced in early stages by following a comprehensive optimized nutrition plan. There are a wide variety of good “brain foods” that have been found to aid cognitive functioning and help to ward off brain decline. For your loved one with dementia, consider adding these foods to optimize brain health and function:

1. Dark-skinned fruits

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Topics: Caregiving, Memory Care, Nutrition, Resources, Alzheimer's and Dementia

15 Conversation Techniques for Connecting with a Loved One With Dementia

Posted by Christina Trentham

Jul 7, 2014 1:53:00 PM

One primary symptom of dementia and its most common form, Alzheimer’s disease, is the gradual loss of communication ability. Dementia slowly damages communication centers within the brain; changes may include difficulty in maintaining a train of thought during conversation, finding the right words, frequent repetition, using the wrong words, talking less, or inventing new words.

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Topics: Memory Care, Activities, Resources, Alzheimer's and Dementia