Care Perspectives From Senior Solutions

How Assisted Living Costs Compare to Other Senior Care Options

Posted by Christina Trentham

Sep 18, 2014 10:00:00 AM

An important facet of making a good senior living care choice is understanding what each different senior care option costs because misconceptions can exist about the expense of senior care. Let's review the main types of senior care options and their associated costs. These numbers come from the 2014 Genworth "Cost of Care" Research, which analyzed data from over 25,000 providers. It's important to note that care costs vary depending upon geographic location.

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Topics: Assisted living, Independent Living, Resources, Finances and Insurance, Senior Living Decisions

What Will Dad Do? A Typical Day in Assisted Living

Posted by Todd Barker

May 8, 2013 9:05:00 AM

When Dad makes the transition from independent to assisted living he (and you) will be in for a surprise. While he can enjoy all of the peace and quiet he desires, there are a bevy of socializing and activities that may not have been available to him as his mobility decreased. This balance of planned activities and individual autonomy are what make assisted living communities flourish.

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Topics: Assisted living, Independent Living, Caregiving, Exercise, Activities, Resources, Life in Assisted Living

7 Ways to Talk About Assisted Living with Your Loved Ones

Posted by Todd Barker

Mar 20, 2013 12:26:00 PM

Talking about moving a parent to assisted living is never an easy conversation to have with the parent themselves or other family members. If they are no longer able care for their house or apartment, unable to prepare meals or manage their medications correctly, that is when the discussion must take place. The conversation may be unpleasant and divisive for the family or a welcome relief for all involved. Here are 7 ways to talk about assisted living with your loved ones.

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Topics: Georgia, Tennessee, Assisted living, Independent Living, Resources, Senior Living Decisions

Choosing Assisted Living or Independent Living

Posted by Christina Trentham

Oct 30, 2012 8:00:00 AM

It’s important to understand the difference between assisted living and independent living care communities so that you and your loved one make the most informed decision possible. The most critical question that you need to answer is this: Do the changes in dad because of his age negatively impact his ability to live safely and happily on a daily basis? The answer to that question will help guide you to an assisted living or independent living community.

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Topics: Assisted living, Independent Living, Senior Living Decisions

Connectivity Key to Happiness for Senior Living Residents

Posted by Todd Barker

Oct 16, 2012 8:00:00 AM

When you think about who needs access to the internet, tablets, smartphones and all the modern technology tools that keep us connected, you may not think about your aging parents who are thinking about moving to a senior living residence. However, consider the conclusions of a new study. Dr. Helen Feist of the University of Adelaide, Australia, explored how technology could help older people in the more rural areas of Australia. She spent three years on this study and concluded that ,”In order for people to remain integrated within a world that increasingly relies on new technology, it is important that older people are offered opportunities to adopt and use new technologies such as computers, smartphones, personal tablets and the internet.”

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Topics: Assisted living, Independent Living, Activities, Depression, Life in Assisted Living

‘Aging in Community’ versus ‘Aging in Place’: Food for Thought

Posted by Christina Trentham

Aug 14, 2012 11:45:00 AM

 Way back around 350BC, Aristotle famously wrote, “Man is a social animal.” Decades of anthropological research back up his astute observation. Though we are individuals, we are also members of a group and have evolved and thrived by depending on each other and forming close communities. Think about this observation: With hundreds of miles open to habitation, people still tend to build their houses close to the houses of other people. No matter the continent, no matter the culture, no matter the era, this is what we do. And to find an individual choosing to live completely alone in the world is so rare as to confirm that human beings need to live amongst each other; indeed we are compelled from within ourselves to group together.

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Topics: Independent Living, Resources, Life in Assisted Living

Good Transportation Programs Boost Assisted Living Resident Happiness

Posted by Christina Trentham

Jul 10, 2012 8:00:00 AM

Giving up the car keys for good is one of the toughest and most significant life changing events for seniors. You and your loved one probably share some wonderful memories of cross-country trips taken together as a younger family. Your dad may have been a real car buff with a long history of driving fast cars (and driving mom crazy.) Getting out on the road with the wind blowing through your hair and the open horizons ahead is one of the simplest yet greatest joys of living in this beautiful country. Losing that sense of freedom and mobility for the assisted living resident can lead to feelings of depression and isolation.

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Topics: Assisted living, Independent Living, Activities, Life in Assisted Living

10 Ways to Put the Excitement Back in Assisted Living Resident Lives

Posted by Todd Barker

May 23, 2012 8:01:00 AM

Check the activity calendar to see what activities are offered by those assisted living communities you may be considering for yourself or your loved one. Many of these communities have begun offering activities that go far beyond what many assume are available. It’s not just bingo nights and bridge games now (though these are fun too!). Assisted living activity directors recognize the need to provide a variety of activities and entertainment to excite each and every assisted living resident and keep them from feeling bored or under-stimulated.

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Topics: Assisted living, Independent Living, Activities

6 Ways Activities Maintain Assisted Living Resident Pride

Posted by Christina Trentham

Apr 24, 2012 8:00:00 AM

It’s estimated that more than one million seniors live in assisted living communities. Furthermore, as the U.S. population continues to age – according to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are now more than 40 million individuals over the age of 65, up from 31 million in 1990 – the need for good assisted living centers will only increase.   

When considering whether assisted living is the right choice for you or your loved one, look carefully at the range of activities available to community residents. That’s because one of the benefits of assisted living that you’ll hear many a resident boast about is the easy access to a whole range of activities, events, social functions and outings. Activity choice is a key part of the philosophy of person-centered care now followed at more enlightened assisted living communities.

Here are six reasons why activities help the assisted living resident feel content and proud of the community:

1.      Activities provide a sense of purpose.

Residents want activities that are meaningful, such as those that produce or teach, says a study by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid; such activities contribute to a resident’s positive self-image, which enhances their overall wellness.

2.      Activities foster connectedness.

Many studies show that socializing benefits seniors in multiple ways. Spending time with other residents helps keep minds sharp, and lowers depression that can result from a sense of isolation. The assisted living resident who makes meaningful connections with other residents feels like the community is home, and that adds immeasurably to well-being.

3.      Activities enhance physical welfare.

We all know how important physical activity is for maintaining health. This is vital for seniors and a key reason to investigate what sorts of activities are available at any assisted living community you consider. Many include walking clubs with beautiful onsite walking paths, exercise classes and even yoga classes. Most communities include fitness rooms and staff on hand to help each assisted living resident develop a customized exercise plan.

4.      Activities sustain lifetime interests.

Most residents bring a lifetime of interests, hobbies and abilities with them to their new community. The avid gardener still wants to garden; the gourmet cook wants to share recipes and try new ones; the scrapbooker wants to continue arts and crafts. Enabling residents to keep doing those things that they’ve always enjoyed is another key reason for a strong activity program.

5.      Activities promote mental growth.

Even old(er) dogs can learn new tricks. The senior living community that offers a variety of activities to residents helps engage them and stretch their mind. Residents take pride in learning something new and get to brag about it to their kids and grandkids.

6.      Activities foster a sense of exploration and fun.

People who are having fun feel better and smile more often; and we know from numerous studies that happiness is a huge component of overall well-being. Fun activities like bringing in a magician or having a sing-along can greatly enrich the life of the assisted living resident.

Activities designed to meet the physical, mental and psychosocial well-being of each resident should be high on the priority list at any assisted living community. Tell us about your favorite activities and why they’re important to you.

Do you want your loved ones to maintain pride and a sense of ownership?

Assisted living and independent living doesn't have to be the stereotypes your loved ones are afraid of. It can be a rewarding and positive experience for the family. Learn how we've combined world-class care with the best practices in assisted living. 

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Topics: Assisted living, Independent Living, Caregiving, Activities, Senior Living Decisions, Life in Assisted Living

Five Key Resources for Tennsesse Senior Living Information

Posted by Christina Trentham

Mar 20, 2012 8:00:00 AM

The aging of our population drives many local, state and federal elder policies and has led to increased attention to the needs of seniors. The state of Tennessee is no exception to this aging trend; the median age in Tennessee is 37.2 years, slightly higher than the overall median U.S. age, which is 36.2 years. Over 24 percent of Tennessee citizens are older than 55 years and many need accurate information on Tennessee senior living options.

Fortunately, there are a variety of public resources that can help in finding living choices ranging from home care to assisted living to specializedAlzheimer’s care communities. State agencies, non-profits and watchdog organizations all provide valuable assistance. Here is a checklist of five key resource sites providing information on Tennessee senior living, as well as other important eldercare issues.

1. Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability

This commission’s stated mission is to “bring together and leverage programs, resources and organizations to protect and ensure the quality of life and independence of older Tennesseans and adults with disabilities.” It provides a wide range of elder information, including caregiving, Alzheimer’s, elder abuse, and long-term ombudsman programs.

2. Tennessee Area Agencies on Aging and Disability

Nine area agencies on aging (AAADs) organized into regional county groupings across Tennessee provide “accurate and unbiased information on all aspects of life related to aging or living with a disability,” according to the website:

3. Tennessee Assisted Living Facilities

This comprehensive site offers data on costs of assisted living communities, admission requirements and scope of care. Visitors can also search currentTennessee senior living license status and find out who owns a particular assisted living community center, last licensing survey date, how many beds, and other important pieces of information that help individuals make informed decisions about their or their loved ones’ senior care.

4. National Clearinghouse on Long Term Care Information

Developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this website provides information to help you and your family plan for long-term care needs. Included is information on Medicare/Medicaid coverage, long-term care insurance and senior living housing choices. Click on your state for more information on Tennessee senior living options.


This is a comprehensive listing of organizations that rate/report on the performance of health care providers; search for the state of Tennessee.

Choosing the right senior living situation for you or your loved ones is a critically important job and these resources should help you sort through all the information. Tell us about your experience searching for senior living options – what sites were the most helpful?

Looking for a caring senior care experience in Tennessee?

Assisted living and independent living doesn't have to a cookie-cutter experience. Learn how we've combined world-class care with a personal, small-town feel to provide the best senior care options in Tennessee. 


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Topics: Tennessee, Assisted living, Independent Living, Resources