Care Perspectives From Senior Solutions

‘Aging in Community’ versus ‘Aging in Place’: Food for Thought

Posted by Christina Trentham

Aug 14, 2012 11:45:00 AM

'Aging in Community' versus 'Aging in Place': Food for Thought Way back around 350BC, Aristotle famously wrote, “Man is a social animal.” Decades of anthropological research back up his astute observation. Though we are individuals, we are also members of a group and have evolved and thrived by depending on each other and forming close communities. Think about this observation: With hundreds of miles open to habitation, people still tend to build their houses close to the houses of other people. No matter the continent, no matter the culture, no matter the era, this is what we do. And to find an individual choosing to live completely alone in the world is so rare as to confirm that human beings need to live amongst each other; indeed we are compelled from within ourselves to group together.

As our loved ones age, we often wear ourselves out trying to help them stay in their own home, commonly known as ‘aging in place’. This can be wonderful if it means mom and dad get to stay together in their home; but is this really the best option for the many widowers and widows among the senior population, or for those who have had to place their spouse in a memory care center? Seniors who live alone, even when they are physically and cognitively capable of managing the daily tasks of independent living, are often isolated; this is considered a risk factor in the development of disease.  

Instead of viewing a transition from the family home as a sad last step in your loved one’s life, think of it instead as a chance for her to form new social connections in a modern and safe senior living community. As aging expert William Thomas, MD, notes, “We can design environments much better than a big old house with leaky gutters and a bunch of clutter. Older people are not meant to be alone.” Today, senior living communities are rich with activities that promote and enhance physical and mental fitness, and help residents make new friends among the other residents. These are very strong reasons for enthusiastically embracing an ‘aging in community’ choice for your loved one.  

Choose a senior living community that puts the priority on the word 'community'. What kind of community do you seek for your loved one?

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