Care Perspectives From Senior Solutions

Britny Lawhorn

Recent Posts

November Awareness at Senior Solutions

Posted by Britny Lawhorn

Nov 9, 2015 11:47:59 AM

November is a big month for awareness in the senior living world. It's Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, National Diabetes Month, and even National Family Caregivers Month. Many of our residents and their families face challenges with one or more of these every day. 

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Topics: Assisted living, Holidays, Our Communities, Alzheimer's and Dementia

Volunteer in a Senior Living Community

Posted by Britny Lawhorn

Sep 21, 2015 3:44:03 PM

Throughout the year, our staff and residents are blessed by the amazing amount of support they receive by the greater community. If you follow our blog, you might remember one of our recent posts about a local Chick-fil-A in Fayetteville, Georgia that brought food to their local Hope Memory Care Center in honor of Cow Appreciation Day. This meant a lot to us because the residents were unable to leave the community to celebrate in the restaurant.

A lot of times, even small gestures have a huge impact in our communities, which brings us to today’s blog post. What are some ways that someone in the greater community can give back by supporting senior living communities? We realize that this question might be daunting to some, so we have come up with a few ideas to help!

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Topics: Assisted living, Activities, Our Communities, Life in Assisted Living

A Senior Solutions Approach to Quality Activities

Posted by Britny Lawhorn

Sep 10, 2015 4:46:33 PM

Our family of senior living communities can be found in locations all over the southern United States. Each community takes on its own unique personality because of the wonderful, caring, and fun people who give it life.

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Topics: Tennessee, Assisted living, Caregiving, Memory Care, Activities, Our Communities, Life in Assisted Living

Is It Time to Consider Assisted Living?

Posted by Britny Lawhorn

Aug 16, 2015 2:39:07 PM

As our parents age, the logistics of their day-to-day care become a realistic concern that many of us face. How do you start making primary caregiving decisions for the one who has loved, cared for, and supported you your entire life? 

Many of us struggle with the day-in-day-out needs of our elderly loved ones, which can increasingly pile up over time. It is never too early to start considering the signs that your loved one would benefit from around-the-clock support that a senior living community can provide. Luckily, we can help! Our professional and trained staff care for our residents every day while providing a fun and supportive environment. 

One of the best ways to find out what a senior living community can offer is by taking a tour.  We would be happy to walk you through any of our facilities and give you a first hand look at the benefits of choosing assisted living.  You can find out more about our communities and schedule a tour here.


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Topics: Assisted living, Caregiving, Resources, Safety, Senior Living Decisions

Social Activities: Senior Solution's Active Approach to Senior Living

Posted by Britny Lawhorn

Aug 3, 2015 3:23:35 PM

At Senior Solutions, we strive to make sure every day is overflowing with fun activities for our residents. Our activities are specifically designed to inspire our residents to remain active, and at the same time encourage and promote a strong sense of community.

Our Activities Directors are always looking for creative and entertaining ways to help our residents come together, and every day we work hard to ensure our activities are well-rounded. Our apprach to actitivites is just one of the ways Senior Solutions provides comprehensive and compassionate care for our residents.  

Below are just a few examples of how we integrate activities into everyday life in our communities.

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Topics: Tennessee, Assisted living, Activities, Our Communities, Life in Assisted Living

Connecting Your Loved Ones With The Greater Community

Posted by Britny Lawhorn

Jul 27, 2015 10:37:15 AM

Recently, we brought you examples of how we try to engage our residents in many different types of activities. It is a lot of fun to listen to live music, participate in dances and socials, and even interact with animals! At Senior Solutions, we believe in the importance of keeping our residents connected with the greater community. 

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Topics: The BBQ Doctor, Georgia, Tennessee, Assisted living, Activities, Senior Living Decisions, Our Communities, Life in Assisted Living

Grow Your Green Thumb With Us

Posted by Britny Lawhorn

Jul 6, 2015 11:41:00 AM

Transitioning to a senior living community is a major life change for your elderly loved one. At our communities, we provide many activities to help our residents feel right at home. Often, paying special attention to a loved one's hobbies can help associate this transition with positive feelings. 

Gardening is a hobby that many of our residents have enjoyed for most of their lives, so it is important to us to have gardening areas available where we can. Some of our residents have even found a new favorite pastime. We have been pleasantly surprised that our communities do not need a lot of encouragement to play in the dirt!

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Topics: Assisted living, Activities, Our Communities, Life in Assisted Living