Care Perspectives From Senior Solutions

Nine Point Program to Finding a Senior Living Community-Part I

Posted by Susan Massey

Dec 17, 2009 3:42:00 PM

This is the first of a nine part series on finding the right senior living community.  This article was written by Jim Moore of Moore Diversified Services ( and published on the Assisted Living Federation of America website (

Certain situations and signs may indicate it might be time to consider alternative living arrangements.  Generally speaking, families and seniors begin to consider alternatives when it becomes difficult for the elderly family member to carry on important activities of daily living without significant support and assistance from others.  Some of the challenges elderly adults can face as they age include loss of vision, poor balance, memory loss or forgetfulness, fatigue, loneliness, dementia, or a physician-prescribed move to a care setting.

Whether your needs are immediate or long-term, planning for senior living can seem daunting.  The Assisted Living Federation of America developed a Nine Point Program to help you find a senior living community that's right for you!

1.  Sharpen Your Focus on This Important Decision

Before you start your search for senior living options, ask yourself these key questions:

  • What do I really know about the different senior living care options?
  • What do I need to know?
  • What's the best way to get accurate, objective information?
  • How would I like to describe my personal successful outcomes a year after move-in?
  • Can I afford to live at the community - both now and in the future?
  • Can I make the important distinction between price and value?

You may quickly realize that you know very little about long-term care options.  That's why you're visiting this site - and that's normal.  Most seniors and their families are in the same boat early in their decision process.

At Senior Solutions Management Group, we are dedicated to serving the senior citizens in the areas in which we operate.  Our mission is to provide assistance with the activities of daily living in a respectful manner that promotes independence and dignity in an ever changing environment.  We will have achieved our mission when our residents, families and employees work in harmony to achieve a standard of senior living for the greater good.

Topics: Finances and Insurance