Care Perspectives From Senior Solutions

6 Resources for When An Assisted Living Move Comes Unexpectedly

Posted by Todd Barker

Jul 10, 2013 9:02:00 AM

assisted living senior careIn a perfect world Mom or Dad’s move to assisted living would be carefully researched and planned out, but often the move is necessitated by sudden injury or illness and can’t be pre-planned. When the unforeseen happens, there is assistance available to insure the smoothest transition possible. Here are six resources for when an assisted living move comes unexpectedly. 

  1. The Internet
    Being able to research online during your lunch break, while sitting at the hospital or after work is a Godsend for those struggling to balance home life, elder care and careers. Use this time to come up with your large list of properties that you are considering. When you have a good sized list, then search for reviews and health inspections for the communities. Be assured that the ones you’re considering are suitable and safe.  

  2. Referral services
    Part of your internet search will lead you to referral services. These are a great resource to develop your list of communities to visit - or not visit. Public facilities can be located through your state’s department of health services. Private referral services will showcase those facilities that pay a fee to be included. Be sure to confirm that you will not have to pay a fee when contacting the community. One of the largest national services is A Place for Mom.

  3. Financial planning
    One of the most difficult discussions between parents and children is often about finances. Many times the children don’t want to interfere or the parents think that it is just none of the kids’ business, but in order to make the best decision about their care, children need to know where their parents stand financially. Whatever the final outcome, the most important thing to determine is how to get the best care for senior loved ones on the budget that is available. Many assisted living communities will want assurances (in the form of a net worth statement) that your parent can afford their facility for a specific period of time. You’ll need to be prepared to share that information.

  4. Government programs
    While the assistance offered by federal and state programs is limited, be sure to explore all of your options. Is your parent is a military veteran or a spouse of one? A local Veterans Administration office can let you know if they are eligible for ongoing benefits. You can visit their website at  The benefits offered by Medicare do not pay for housing but Medicaid may. Also peruse this great article on the living frugally website The Dollar Stretcher it offers tips on how to make assisted living more affordable.

  5. Advocates and experts
    When you get down to a few locations - research the communities through a local ombudsperson. These senior advocates inspect and rate communities and know which ones are safe, clean and well managed. You can also consult with an attorney specializing in elder care law. They will let you know the legal ramifications and provide a neutral voice in case of family disagreements.

  6. Involve the family
    Some family members are more comfortable with hospitals and assisted living communities than others. Be sure to include those siblings in the discussions but respect their discomfort. Are there other tasks for your parents that they could handle while you organize the care? Mowing their lawn, making repairs, getting a home ready to be sold, packing up items to donate - put the right people with the right tasks to keep them involved - and resentments at bay. Even if everyone doesn't agree on what is done, everyone should be heard and involved. 

There is a lot to do very quickly when Dad or Mom’s move to an assisted living community in imminent. Use these resources to make the transition smoother. Do you or your loved ones reside in Tennessee or Georgia? We have independent living, assisted living and dementia care communities available for a personal tour daily. 

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Topics: Assisted living, Resources, Finances and Insurance, Senior Living Decisions