Care Perspectives From Senior Solutions

10 Signs It Might Be Time for Tennessee Dementia Care Living for Mom

Posted by Christina Trentham

Jul 17, 2013 9:04:00 AM

Tennessee Dementia CareMom has been changing. It started with little things like forgetting doctor’s appointments and not recognizing a family friend. But depending on the cause of the dementia and the area of the brain that is affected, family concerns will continue to increase. As the symptoms mount, concerns for her safety and well being may outweigh her reluctance - and yours - and it might be time for Tennessee Dementia Care Living for Mom. 

The symptoms and signs of dementia vary by patient due to the causes and areas of the brain that are affected. While you only may see a few signs, here are more to be on the lookout for:

  1. Memory loss
    One of the first signs and most noticeable, it can come through as confusion or anger when Mom forgets an appointment or event. 

  2. Difficulty in remembering recent events
    Her memories of high school, her wedding or the birth of her children are still crystal clear, but remembering a recent holiday or grandchild’s sporting event may no longer be occuring.

  3. Challenges in recognizing people and places
    When a normal trip to the grocery store, mall or post office turns into an hours long ordeal while Mom is parked somewhere confused, it may be time she gave up the keys. Many seniors are fiercely independent and will balk. Just keep promoting ensuring her safety.

  4. Difficulty in normal speech patterns
    When they are frustrated because of repeatedly not being able to come up with the right words for the situation, misunderstandings and disagreements can occur as Mom tries to hold on to her speech and memories. Be patient when you're chatting with her and give her time to gather her thoughts and form her words.

  5. Challenges with simple, everyday tasks
    Paying bills, balancing her checkbook, following a recipe, or writing a letter have become too much for her. Electricity and other services being disconnected are red flags to watch for. Even though Mom says she’s fine and not to worry about her, you need to know if she can't handle those tasks and others to maintain her independent living status.

  6. Stressing when exercising judgment
    Normal decisions like what to wear, which couch to buy or what to have for dinner will increasingly cause stress or anxiety for a Mom suffering from dementia. Watch for a marked decrease in these normal types of activities. Sometimes when they get to be too much, she will opt to skip them rather than dealing with her confusion.

  7. Forgetting details that may be crucial in an emergency
    If Mom is living alone and having difficulty in remembering her address, who her doctor is or what medications she is taking, the situation can become critical if there is an emergency situation.

  8. Depression when there previously was none
    Depression can set in as Mom becomes overwhelmed with the realization sets in that her memories are slipping away. Watch for signs of sudden weight loss or gain, reluctance to participate in normal activities or loss of appetite - all can be signs of a serious depression.

  9. Agitation, aggressive behaviors
    Don’t be surprised if sweet mannered mom becomes someone else entirely. Patience and a sense of humor are the keys to surviving this stage. Know that this is not your loving mother. This is outward sign of the confusion she is experiencing on the inside.

  10. Personal grooming and bathing
    When Mom is suffering from dementia, her normal bathing and grooming habits may be neglected. Her normal fastidiousness or long standing appointments at the beauty parlor may be ignored. And you may find her in wrinkled or dirty clothing when you visit. Don’t ignore the signs when you see them.

These are but a few of the symptoms Mom may be experiencing. Some of the more severe varieties of dementia demonstrate symptoms like hallucinations, frequent falling, rude or inappropriate behaviors. If it is time to discuss options for Tennessee Dementia Care, contact Senior Solutions, We have communities in Shelbyville, Kingston, Lenior City, Louden and Knoxville. Contact us today to schedule a tour.

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Topics: Tennessee, Memory Care, Resources, Safety, Senior Living Decisions, Alzheimer's and Dementia