Father's Day is a special occasion that allows us to show our appreciation for the fathers and grandfathers in our lives. If your dad is older, however, it can be difficult to find meaningful ways to show your love and appreciation.
Father's Day Gift Ideas for Your Senior Father
Topics: Holidays, Social Wellness
Holiday Gift Ideas for Seniors
Looking for meaningful ways to show your aging parent or loved one much you care this holiday season? When it comes to celebrating the holidays with seniors in your life, you may want to explore different ways to make the day special, particularly if they live in a senior living community or require additional support.
As you gear up for this year’s holiday shopping, consider these holiday gift ideas for the elderly loved ones in your life.
Topics: Holidays
Healthy Winter Eating Tips for Seniors
Focusing on good nutrition is important throughout the year. However, it is especially important during the winter season when cold weather and longer days can impact a senior’s health and well-being. Factors like being isolated in the home, having difficulty preparing meals, issues chewing or swallowing food and loss of appetite can make it very challenging for seniors to get the proper nutrition they need to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Eating a well-balanced diet during the winter months can help seniors maintain a healthy weight, promote healthy glucose levels, boost energy levels and strengthen their immune systems to fight off viruses, like the cold and flu. The following strategies can help older adults maintain optimal health this winter.
Topics: Holidays, Nutrition, Senior Health
Patriotic Activities for Seniors
Summer is in full swing, and the 4th of July is the perfect time to relax and reconnect with family and friends of all ages! Wondering how to celebrate the fourth of July with an older loved one? There are many ways seniors can enjoy a safe and fun 4th of July celebration.
Topics: Holidays, Safety, Social Wellness
Christmas Activities and Seniors
The Christmas season is always special, and retired seniors often find they have more time on their hands during the holidays than in past years. Since older adults are usually past the point of decorating their homes for large dinner parties and celebrations, it is important that they plan other activities that help them enjoy the Christmas season. Consider including one or more of these activities in your plans this December.
Topics: Holidays
Thanksgiving Activities for Seniors and Their Famlies
Thanksgiving Day is a special holiday for older adults who savor memories of family gathering around the dinner table. In addition to the annual Thanksgiving feast, there are many other activities seniors can enjoy while making the day festive and fun.
Topics: Holidays
Halloween Activities for Seniors
It’s October! And with the new season comes the first celebration of fall—Halloween! You may think of Halloween as a holiday just for kids, but there are several ways to celebrate, regardless of your age. Looking for fun ways to get in the Halloween spirit? Here are some fun Halloween activities for seniors to enjoy this fall.
Topics: Holidays
Labor Day Activities for Seniors
Labor Day recognizes the contributions and achievements of American workers and is
traditionally observed on the first Monday in September. The long weekend is a great time to relax, enjoy time off work and celebrate the unofficial end of summer with loved ones. Whether you’re an older adult or a family member of an aging loved one, here are some fun ways to celebrate the Labor Day weekend together.
Topics: Holidays, Activities
Respite Care: How It Can Benefit Your Family This Holiday Season
The holiday season is time for families to honor and celebrate their traditions while creating priceless new memories. However, this time of year comes with its own set of to-do items and pressures. As a result, what is meant to be a warm, comforting time of year can often turn into a hectic and stressful season.
Topics: Holidays, Respite Care
Help Mom Feel Special on Mother's Day with These Fun Ideas
Moms make the world go around. From taking care of us as infants, toddlers, and young children to helping us navigate through life in our later years, our moms, or the mother figures in our lives, are there to teach us valuable life lessons and support us as we pave out our own path.